Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jr Grizzlies?

Jr Grizzlies is an Ashland, Oregon based 501c(3) non-profit organization focused on providing tournament teams and youth athletic development for the preparation for Ashland High School athletics and beyond.

How can I get my kid on a team?

We will occasionally hold tryouts at various points in the year. Keep an eye on the event page for upcoming dates or contact us through the contact page. Occasionally other arrangements can be made. A lot of things depend on the number of kids on teams as well as coaching volunteers.

What is the cost?

Cost depends on the season, how many tournaments, and a few other variables. Keep an eye on the registration pages on this website for seasonal registration costs. It varies depending on sport and location. Travel costs will be covered by on a trip by trip bases by families. Occasionally sponsorship money may cover costs.

I’d like to coach, how can I get involved?

We’re always looking for more coaches and kids to start more teams that are in line with our vision of competition and preparing Ashland athletes for life and future sports while representing Ashland and Jr Grizzlies with pride. Please send us a message on the contact page and/or read our forms page for more information on what to expect. We hope for year-long commitments or longer. Keeping Ashland kids competing together often benefits them playing together at a higher level in the future.

Is there any relationship with the Ashland School District?

Not legally or directly. However, discussions have begun with the school district for partnerships with the Jr Grizzlies and other local youth sports clubs in Ashland. Preparing kids to compete at a high level for Ashland High School is a goal of Jr Grizzlies.

What do I need to get started?

If you’ve been accepted onto a team, please see the forms page and sign and return the appropriate form to Then proceed to make payment on the registration page of the respective sport. Credit card and Paypal accepted. Depending on the time of the year you signed up however, the registration may not be up yet for the corresponding season, so be patient or message us with any questions.

How can I get involved?

Thank you for your interest! Please send us a message through the contact page if interested in coaching, starting a team, being a board member, or offering a sponsorship. We are open to sponsor involvement and can offer links on the website, merchandise, jerseys, banners at games, or simply your willingness to further Ashland athletes for now and the future. Donations can be made directly on this website via Credit Card or Paypal. We very much appreciate your consideration.